How to Get It Done When the Going Gets Tough

Nissa Prizzi, Keep GoingWe’ve been having LOTS of rain in Los Angeles. We need the rain so much, so I’m glad it’s raining.

The effect of the rain on me, though, is not helpful. I have several things I need to get done today, but I just feel like curling up on the couch with a good book, some hot tea and doing nothing else. Maybe you’re having the same February slump struggle.

I have two kids and two chihuahuas – so you might already know that this little daydream is not possible. There is never a day when I can just curl up on the couch and do nothing.

If you are reading this right now and you actually have the freedom to curl up on the couch and do nothing, PLEASE do it right now for me. Then, tell me all about it!

Ok, back to needing to do work and not feeling like it.

Today is symbolic for many seasons and parts of life. There is always work to be done, but often I don’t really want to do it.

Yet, the work gets done (mostly). So, sweet beloved, here are a few tips for getting the work done, especially when you don’t feel like doing it.

Entice Yourself with Rewards

Bribery! Yep! Works on kids and adults!

You know how this works. “When I’m done cleaning the bathroom, I will get to sit down with a cup of hot coffee and a muffin.” Or “If I deal with the insurance company today, I get to go to a movie tomorrow.” (Although dealing with insurance companies should probably earn you a weekend getaway!)

Even Jesus did it: “For the joy set before him he endured the cross…” (Hebrews 12:2) (Yes, I did just compare the cross to chores. Don’t hate.) 🙂

Your rewards can be as simple or extravagant as you feel are necessary for the work you are doing. Be creative. Keep them in your budget. Have fun!

Make a Habit

Create regular habits for repetitive chores. If you know you need to do laundry each week, just set a time every week when you are going to do it, like Monday evenings. This eliminates the debate. If you know that every Monday night is laundry night, then that’s just what you do on Monday nights.

I know it seems odd, but just leaving things up for debate can suck the energy right out of you. It may not seem like that is the case when you are thinking about only one chore, but with numerous little tasks each week, you waste a lot of energy deciding when you are going to do each of them.

Some people speak of this as habituating or automating as many decisions as possible. Look at your week honestly, where do you have time to fit certain things in? Then, schedule them in. Guard those scheduled items like you would anything else you schedule in; like you would protect a meeting for a raise at work!

Just Do It

I realized just recently that I am a grown-up. I am THE grown-up responsible for my life.

I know, I know…duh!

But I’m serious. I truly just had that realization. There is no other person on this planet responsible for the outcome of my life. I have leaned on many people throughout the years to help me grow up, but I simply can’t do it any longer.

I am responsible for myself. I am responsible for my children. I am responsible for my household. The list goes on and on.

Being the grown-up means there are a lot of things we have to just do. It doesn’t do any good to complain about them or put them off until later. We will have to do them. All of them.

Now we can make some decisions about how many things we want on our plate. We can simplify and organize life. (Another post coming soon about this!) We can even choose to let go of certain things that no longer serve us.

In the end, the things we choose to have in our life are our responsibility.

So… Just Do It!

Here’s the good news: You get to choose your life! You don’t have to keep doing things because someone else said you should. If it’s not serving you and the life you want – get rid of it! (Not the kids – don’t get rid of the kids!) But all the other “shoulds” you’ve got laying around in your life and your mind. If you are worn out by them and they are not benefiting you in some way – drop them like a hot potato!

What you keep, enjoy! To good and the bad, the easy and the hard.

Enjoy this incredible life with all the mess and bittersweet times. Push forward in the tough times and enjoy the precious moments of joy when they come.

You can do it! God will help.

I want to hear from you! Take a moment to leave a comment about how you get things done when the going gets tough!

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