Tag: calling

Turn the Page

Once there was a little girl who turned to her family at three years old and said, “I want to be an actress!” She may have said it with a little flair and drama. Family giggled and said, “Yes, dear.” That girl grew and kept repeating that phrase, “I want to be an actress.” She got older and started taking… Read more →

Fear Sucks!

Yep – I said it. Fear sucks. I can’t find a better word to describe it. Fear can stop us from doing anything, even the things we desire most to do. Obviously, if something is dangerous, fear is there to protect us. But I have found that fear usually operates in places of my life it has no business being.… Read more →

I’m Busy. Thanks.

“Hi! How are you?” “I’m Busy! Thanks. How are you?” “I’ve got a lot going on this week.” Does “busy” define you? We live in a society and maybe even a world that values accomplishments. We want to see visible proof that someone is doing something with their life. We ask, “How are you doing?” We prove what we are… Read more →