Tag: valuable

$$Twenties from Heaven$$

I woke up yesterday morning and took my two chihuahuas out for a walk. Usually, I just let them do their business and then I bring them back inside. I felt like I should really start walking them at least around the block, just to give them exercise and also to give the puppy practice being on the leash and… Read more →

The Goodness of God

“What shall I return to the Lord for all his goodness to me?” Ps 116:12 I am frequently humbled by God’s goodness. All the little things I know He does for me. Why is He so good to me? How can I ever repay him? I can’t repay him, nor does He ask me to. He is good to me, because it is actually… Read more →

My Silent Agreement

  God is a true gentleman. He is an incredible God of mercy and grace. He is patient and his love is unstoppable. All of this sounds great, but there is a flip-side we have to be aware of. Because he is a true gentleman, he will never force you to learn a lesson. He will allow situations to occur… Read more →

What’s Anne Got To Do With It?

We’ve been living in the early 1900s around my house this week. It’s been sooo lovely! An era of horse drawn carriages, wide open fields of flowers, and time for “bosom” friends. If you have never read Anne of Green Gables, you have missed out. The language of L.M. Montgomery to describe the childhood of a certain orphan is positively… Read more →

I’m Busy. Thanks.

“Hi! How are you?” “I’m Busy! Thanks. How are you?” “I’ve got a lot going on this week.” Does “busy” define you? We live in a society and maybe even a world that values accomplishments. We want to see visible proof that someone is doing something with their life. We ask, “How are you doing?” We prove what we are… Read more →

Love Pours Out Best Through Broken Hearts

“If God is good, why would God allow that to happen?” You can fill in whatever “that” is for you. We’ve all had something (or many things) happen in our life that absolutely breaks our heart – some great loss or disappointment, some life stopping occurrence. It is natural to wonder why God would allow it to happen, to cry… Read more →

You are a Unique Masterpiece!!

Once you begin to truly understand how much God loves you, there is still another hole you may find lurking in your heart. You see, God created us ladies with a deep desire to be beautiful and for our beauty to be appreciated. For most of us, our enemy, the father of lies, has twisted this desire to let us… Read more →

You Are Deeply Loved

I want you to imagine you’ve just finished a workout and you are at the grocery store grabbing a few bits of food for your day. As you are picking out your peppers, you get the feeling that someone is watching you. You casually look around and see this gorgeous man smiling at you. You look away and then sneak… Read more →